Queen’s Award-winning firm eyes expansion beyond Europe

The joint-founder of a Queen’s Award-winning Essex business which specialises in refurbishing and recycling electronic devices has told Insider Brexit won’t stop it from seeking further global expansion as it focuses on establishing a presence outside of Europe.

Waltham Abbey-based Bamboo Distribution was established in 2009 and now serves the global mobile phone distribution market.

Managing director Juney Mistiki said the company’s refusal to “pull back” after the UK voted to leave the European Union has set it apart from competitors.

“We’ve gone the other way and looked into providing more services and taking more risk on the currency situation,” he told Insider.

“We’ve invested a lot of time and effort understanding what it actually means and giving our customers the knowledge we have so they don’t feel threatened. Brexit is still very grey and people don’t understand how it’s going to affect anything.”

Mistiki added that Bamboo is now focusing on building its presence outside of Europe.

“We’re seeing a lot of growth in Turkey and China. The markets are huge.”

The business is aiming to have more representatives on the ground in various countries going forward.

“Our main focus is supporting mobile insurance firms and having a more local presence on the ground in individual countries,” Mistiki said.

“We’re supplying to different regions now, but having more of a local presence will give us that stability that we need to give confidence to customers.”

Bamboo Distribution was recognised for international trade in the Queen’s Awards for Enterprise in April 2018.

Mistiki hailed the accolade as a “major achievement”. He added: “For us, what’s important is having the recognition for the service we provide.”

Source: https://www.insidermedia.com/insider/business/queens-award-winning-firm-eyes-expansion-beyond-europe

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